
Explore subscription

From: 33,50 / month with 1 day free trial and a 30,73 sign-up fee

The most exciting subscription there is! And on top of that: you’ll get an average of 20% discount on the best coffees we can bring you! Just choose how much coffee you want to receive each month. Pick espresso, filter roast or both and we will surprise you with an honest, delicious specialty coffee!

You can change or cancel any time! The sign-up fee pays for your first subscription box and we’ll ship that right away! After that you receive your new coffee to explore every first week of the new month (shipped on the first Friday of the month).



  • An average of 20% discount on the best coffee we have!
  • Every month a different exciting coffee to taste
  • Welcome box includes free brew guides
  • Coffee info card with origin, farmer and flavours included
  • The sign-up fee pays for your first subscription
  • The first week of the month your new coffee is shipped
  • Available for filter coffee or espresso roast
  • If you want more than 250 or 1000 grams, just place the right about in your basket (e.g. 3x 250 grams or 2x 1000 grams)


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